16th Birthday Cufflinks

Turning 16 is a truly special milestone for every teenager. It represents a transition, a shift from being just a child to a young adult. Some even say this is the most important birthday for any teenager. Such a special birthday deserves an equally relevant gift. Our 16th Birthday Cufflinks collection is home to such gifts.

Featuring probably the most unique cufflinks in existence, this collection comprises cufflinks made from original coins from all over the world, all of which were issued in 2007 ─ the same year the recipient was born. Browse the collection below.

Showing all 11 results

2009 U.S. Penny Coin Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Silver


2009 Five Pence Coin Cufflinks, 16th Birthday- Silver


2009 U.S. Dime Coin Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Silver


2009 One Pence Coin Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Silver


2009 Twenty Pence Coin Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Silver


2009 Irish One Cent Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Silver


2009 Irish One Cent Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Rose Gold


2009 Canadian Penny Coin Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Silver


2009 Australian Five Cents Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Silver


2009 Ten Pence Coin Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Silver


2009 One Penny Coin Cufflinks, 16th Birthday Gift- Rose Gold
