Plain and Simple. Send video, get a 50% REFUND for that product!!
Send a short video review of the jewellery you’ve received from us and we’ll send you a MASSIVE 50% refund on the your order you’ve already made.
See an example here:
Helpful Guide.
– Video around or less than 30 secs
– Say what you like about our jewellery
Who/what occasion did you buy for? 50th birthday? Anniversary? 
– What response did the jewellery get when you gifted it?
– Did the coins bring back any memories?
– How was our customer service?
– Would you buy our handmade coin jewellery again?
– Extra brownie points if you show your jewellery in the review
*By sending us a video review and us sending a 100% off, you accept we will have the right herein to use the video for commercial purposes (ie ads and website).*
Email your video for free to:
Subject title: VIDEO REVIEW
Whatsapp (Free) your video to:
Send it via WeTransfer:
Thanks everyone, you’re the best!